5 Tips For a Happy and Healthy Holiday Season


Here are 5 great tips to help keep the inches and waistline down during the holidays:

1. Don't skip meals. The best thing that you can do for your body in the morning is eat a healthy breakfast. Skipping a meal won't help you loose weight. In fact, statistics show that those who skip breakfast are more likely to gain weight.

2. Eat a small snack before you go to a dinner party. A good example of this would be eating a 100-calorie snack or an apple before you leave for your party.

3. Put the weights down and add some plyometric training to your workouts. Stay active by taking the stairs instead of the elevator, go for brisk walks and practice jumping as high as you can.

4. Take time to enjoy the outdoors. If you have family pets, get outside and take them for a walk. Take a moment to play with them and enjoy their companionship.

5. Make sure to get your rest. When you are sleep deprived, two powerful hormones, known as Leptin and Ghrelin, interact, which causes weight gain.

Enjoy your holiday season, but don't be too hard on yourself.

Good luck and remember, the best gift you can give yourself is a healthy lifestyle.

Jacqueline Valdez –Florida based dancer, author, model & fitness guru. Studio Owner of “Elegant Body Pilates”, Co- Creator of“Infusion Remax” http://elegantjacqueline.wix.com/jacquelinevaldez